City in south-west France takes property owner to court for €100,000 The case is the latest move by authorities in France against short-term rental landlords
Flat owner on hunger strike over non-paying tenants in south of France ‘I’m starting to feel a bit shaky’ says owner. The tenants say they cannot move out
Is capital gains tax payable if we have let out French home? The exemption for the main residence could be called into question in some cases
practical Is it ok to have rental income in France if here on a retirement visa? People on the most common for of ‘retirement’ visa must not work. Property incomes are complex – we look at some of the issues
French energy rating law ‘puts older houses at risk’ France’s new energy efficiency laws do not take into account the specific qualities of pre-1948 buildings, associations warn
Buy or rent debate, checking sales data: Five French property updates We look at how to see what homes near you recently sold for, the rules around taking fruit from a neighbour’s tree and how the property market is faring
Home energy rating problems and three other French property updates We look at a court case surrounding the rules on asking neighbours to prune trees encroaching on your land and why Airbnb ‘key safe boxes’ are unpopular in Lille
Can I rent out my refurbished outbuilding to a student in France? As long as specific rules are followed when renting a room or outbuilding, a property owner could benefit from tax breaks with rentals to students
French income tax: Deadlines for 2021 declarations released All French residents must declare, as well as non-residents with French-declarable income such as French rental income
Bank accounts, gifts: Eight tips to help avoid a French tax inspection Tax inspectors save France billions of euros every year and checks are increasing. We give pointers at to what could trigger a contrôle fiscal
Rent rises banned for low energy-rated properties in France Rent rises have been banned in poorly insulated buildings in 28 cities in France in governmental drive to have all homes well insulated by 2028
Income declarations for French SCIs explained French Tax Online outlines how tax returns work under a Société Civile Immobilière (SCI)
How to declare French rental income On declaring rental income in France, French Tax Online outlines the legal difference of unfurnished and furnished properties under French law
French tax exemption for rentals There is an income tax exemption for people who rent out a room in their home, which avoids the need for the property owner to declare the income under the micro-BIC regime. Paying rent into UK personal bank account Paris mayor warns Olympics of Airbnb sponsor ‘risks’ French Mairies can soon request Airbnb property list
Non-residents can claim refunds on social charges A long-running saga about social charges for non-residents and others who are not part of the French social security system is coming to an end with a reduced rate of 7.5%. Tenant owes landlord €46k in ‘Airbnb rent’ Where do I declare rent income? Airbnb and Century 21 sign sublet agreement in Paris Declaring UK rental income in France Declaring UK rental income
18 months for price of 12 on monthly rental adverts Sponsored content: Advertise your French property for monthly rentals on 'Rent a place in France' and enjoy an exclusive 18 months for the price of 12 with Connexion
Your personal tax allowance is still valid in the EEA We have a house in Brittany and plan to retire there when my husband is 65 in January 2020. He has a UK army pension which will be taxed in the UK under the dual tax agreement with France but will he still have his tax-free allowance (we may rent out our house in England and I read in a recent Connexion that rental income is taxable in the UK after personal tax allowance)? S.H.